Lisha Thimmaiah

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Pimple cure with the Magic leaves :-)

For the first time ever I faced the Pimple torture…my forehead was almost jam packed with Pimples… I knew it was a phase of hormonal disorder or some food allergies and as time passes it will just get away... But what I couldn’t bare is the depressing comments I got from people around me.
I got a second look from people saying” what happened to your clear skin”…”What have you done to your face??”,” Go visit a dermatologist right away”, “Y don’t you do something to your face??”, and many more sympathetic comments which I usually ignored and walked away but deep inside it did bother me…Back of my head I actually wondered if it is the “payback time”!!!....I mean there were times when even I have told a few friends about things like apply this to your faces you’ll be fine, eat that, drink this blah blah blah,… I know what I said were my genuine comments but then when there a 100 varieties of such genuine comments coming your way it surely is gonna annoy you and that’s exactly what happened to me …
 The only question I din mind was when people casually asked me if I got Pimple or some kind of allergy and said don’t worry it’ll be fineJ
I wanted to put an end to it at any cost; it was almost three months on and off with pimples on my forehead and lately it actually started depressing me…
At first I started off with a all fruit and veg diet, it did show effects, my face looked clean and nice and I felt good about it...meanwhile I had my cousins wedding to attend and I managed to be pimple free, Thank god for that…I cannot imagine what I had to listen to otherwise,..But me being a foodie I couldn’t stick to the diet for long, the minute I started hogging the pimples were back on my forehead.
I convince myself it must be hormonal disorders and I think of going in for a hormonal test, but later put out the idea after the lab assistant told me the criteria for the hormonal test…
Meanwhile the research for treating pimples naturally went on until one day I just decide to start eating neam leaves… and trust me, it does magic...Of course it tastes horrible. The first few days I did  feel like throwing up , but I still managed to swallow with some water and a spoon of honey…Its worth the few minutes of bitterness JJ…I was Pimple free in two days and  feel soo good about itJJJJ.

I have stopped staring at my face in the mirror like I used to do a few days ago,…I’m GladJ..All thanks to neemJJ

P.S: I just found a BlogSpot about skin care. Here’s the link


  1. Stupid girl!! :) The comments which you got also must have been as genuine as yours..DO NOT get depressed for such stuffs :)and I'm sure the second looks and comments were coz they were worried for the pretty face they have always admired :)

  2. Ohhh .... this is what you armature writing?
    so where or who would you be when you are established?
