Lisha Thimmaiah

Monday, July 23, 2012

All by Myself

For some time now I haven’t really been feeling great to be alone…At least I dint wanna be alone for one whole weekend...It’s a little weird though, cuz sometime back I was desperately looking out for space and time to be alone…And now, when I dint want to be alone I had one whole weekend all for myself and I hated it…
 Hanging out, going to movies and shopping was not in my list for the weekend as I’m completely Broke and am religiously waiting for my salary…Obviously, My only choice was staying back at home. I did spoil my mood being angry and sad, but before my weekend was completely spoilt I realized I was being stupid and made some good out of it as well…
 I was either on the couch watching TV or on my bed reading” The secret of the Nagas” (which I’m done with and can’t wait to read its sequel), and lots of cooking to pamper my Pallets JJJ(which is the good part I was talking about)
My cooking mood saved my gloomy weekendJJ…My very first attempt to make White sauce Macaroni’s turned out to be amazing... I love white sauce pastas and now I have been greedily craving more and more for it JJ, My Second Big dish was Chicken Biriyani, my second attempt to make Chicken Biriyani and it was so much better than the first time I made, which also Pleased my taste budsJJ- Staying alone cost me as well-over ate the excess Biriyani I made KK…though Overeating din’t really bother me much. The rest of my Morsels were Rice and Roti with Chichen Curry, which was my third big dish for the weekend. I loved the Curd, Milk and tomato Puree Marinated Chicken Curry...
Somehow everything I cooked just turned out to be perfect. Food changes my mood just like thatJJ, and I must say I was pretty pleased with myself in fact proud of my cooking JJJ
What I still hate about the weekend is I was all by myself, I wish I could treat someone with my cooking…….Still a little disappointed KK

White Sauce Pasta:-)

Biriyani-(a bad pic:-p) actually looked much better


  1. haha :D we will give you a chance of treating us all lish :) don't be disappointed. not very soon..but that day will come and I hope your that day's attempt of all your dishes will turn out wonderful..Until then Please learn properly from aunty. I dont trust you :P

    1. :-)..rach, for sure ll cook for you, come here sometime
