A bit of havoc happened during my recent visit to Coorg. My cousin gets a stomach cramp and collapses. She is moved into the hospital and doctors recommend her to go in for surgery immediately…She had an ovarian cyst rupture!!...
It took us to surprise. With no prior issues regarding ovaries or menstrual cycle, out of the blue she has a cyst rupture. My cousin was lucky she got the right symptoms on time and she got out of it with the surgery.
But it’s not the same always. Not always a cyst rupture shows symptoms. If a cyst rupture is neglected or not detected on time it leads to cancer. I did a little bit of research on it,and found a few things which should be taken care of by women.
Here it goes:
Ovarian Cysts are fluid-filled sacs which are similar to blisters. Ovarian cysts are common among women during their reproductive years and are growths that form on the two almond sized organs on each side of the uterus. Most types of ovarian cysts are harmless and go away without any treatment otherwise one must be aware of How to Cure Ovarian Cysts Naturally.
Ovarian cysts are very common, particularly in women between the ages of 30 and 60. They may be single or multiple, and can occur in one or both ovaries. Most are benign (non-cancerous), but approximately 15 percent are malignant (cancerous).
The normal function of the ovaries is to produce an egg each month. During the process of ovulation, a cyst-like structure called a follicle is formed inside the ovary. The mature follicle ruptures when an egg is released during ovulation. The corpus leteum forms from the empty follicle and if pregnancy does not occur, the corpus leteum dissolves. Sometimes this process does not conclude appropriately causing the most common type of ovarian cyst -- functional ovarian cysts.
The following are possible risk factors for developing Ovarian Cysts:
1. History of previous ovarian cysts
2. Irregular menstrual cycles
3. Increased upper body fat distribution
4. Early menstruation (11 years or younger)
5. Infertility
6. Hypothyroidism or hormonal imbalance
7. Tamoxifen therapy for breast cancer
If you have an Ovarian Cyst, Symptoms are:
· Menstrual irregularities.
· Pelvic pain- a constant or intermittent dull ache that may radiate to your lower back and thighs. Pelvic pain shortly before your period begins or just before it ends. Pelvic pain during intercourse
· Nausea, vomiting or breast tenderness similar to that experienced during pregnancy
· Fullness or heaviness in abdomen.
· Pressure on bladder - difficulty emptying your bladder completely.
· Sudden, severe abdominal or pelvic pain
· Pain accompanied by fever or vomiting
· painful sex
· weight gain.
Ayurvedic cures for Ovarian Cysts: Safe Remedies:
- Natural herbs such as Kachnaar Guggul, Pradrantak Churna and Chandraprabha Vati prove to be effective ayurvedic remedies for ovarian cyst as they not only balance the hormones but also alleviate pain and regulate irregular menstruation.
- Another ayurvedic home remedy for ovarian cyst is red clover that cures hormonal imbalance and maintains the right equilibrium between estrogen and testosterone hormones in women.
- Chaste berry, dandelion and black cohosh are also widely used as ayurvedic cures for ovarian cyst. These herbs are known to normalise irregular menstrual periods and hormonal disorders.
- Bee pollen is a powerhouse of nutrition and therefore is a competent ayurvedic cure for ovarian cyst. It also makes the reproductive system stronger.
- Walnuts, red chestnuts, milk of thistles, wild yam and wild oats are also well-known ayurvedic home remedies for ovarian cyst as they are proven to cure all types of ovarian problems.
- Herbs such as ginseng, fennel and sage help with hormone imbalances and prevent the formation of cysts.
- Fomentation with castor oil is also an effective ayurvedic cure for ovarian cyst.
- Dong quai, a popular Chinese herb helps to balance the hormones in the body, thereby promoting a healthy menstrual cycle and preventing cyst formation.
- Liquorice has the ability to affect the adrenal glands which regulate the production of hormones in the body. Due to its hormone regulating action, liquorice has the power to dissolve ovarian cysts naturally in the body.
- Foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes, garlic and whole grains help ease the pain and discomfort caused by ovarian cysts. Moreover, refrain from foods containing caffeine, alcohol, eggs, red meat, fats, white sugar and refined foods to prevent the recurrence of this problem.
Inclusion of fibre in the diet along with supplements of vitamins A, C and E is also helpful in dealing with ovarian cyst problems.
However, a regular visit to a gynecologist probably would save us from lots of problems.